Tuesday, May 3, 2011

APR Tuesday Tip: Out puts, takes, growth and comes

If today's title left you head scratching, then you're not alone. I came across the evaluation concept of outputs, outtakes, outgrowth and outcomes while I was studying for my APR. I brought it up in a study session; no one knew what I was talking about. But, because I was a total OCD PR geek when I was prepping for the test, I added it to the study cards.

And you know what? It was on the test. It was on there in that sneaky if-you-don't-know-this-then-you-don't-even-know-they-are-asking-it kind of way a lot of things are on the test.

Front: Outputs

Back: Part of the evaluation concept of out-puts, takes, growths and comes

Short-term results of a piece. Focus is on how well org. presents itself and amount of exposure. Ex: placements or impressions.

Front: Outtakes

Back: Part of the evaluation concept of out-puts, takes, growths and comes

Measure of effectiveness focusing on audiences receiving, paying attention, understanding and then retaining and recalling.

Front: Outgrowths

Back: Part of the evaluation concept of out-puts, takes, growths and comes

Culminate effect of all pieces on positioning of org. in the minds of stakeholders.

Front: Outcomes

Back: Part of the evaluation concept of out-puts, takes, growths and comes

Long-term measure of effectiveness by focusing on changing opinions, attitudes and/or behavior as a result of a campaign.

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